Sunday 3 December 2006

Sunday 3rd December

Well, this is my first post - I don't plan to add to my blog every day, that just depends on my mood and what's happening in my world. I imagine that it will be mostly knitting related + my weird thoughts on things that are happening both in my life, and the world in general!
It has been a very quiet weekend - the horrific weather put paid to all of my well laid plans, and I have been snuggled up on the sofa, watching TV and knitting.
Of course, at this time of the year it's a mad rush to get knitted items finished for Christmas presents, but I have managed to finish 2 over the weekend, they just need to be blocked, then I can add some photos.
I have several items in the WIP (work in progress) pile, but none are appealing to me at the moment, so I am carrying on with a very boring stocking stitch scarf, while I decide what to do next.
It's going to be a very quick week at work - I am only working until Tuesday, then I am on holiday until the following Monday, so loads of knitting and shopping time.
There is a lovely German market in the city centre, so I am planning a day out (weather permitting) and will probably pick up a couple of extra Christmas presents while I am there.
I like to get my clothes ready for work before I go to bed, so it's time for a hot drink, and I'll say goodnight for now

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