Thursday 17 May 2007

Pics at last!!!

I received my "Summer Holiday Secret Santa Swap" parcel today!!!

My lovely gift was unwrapped far too quickly to photograph the wrapping, so you'll have to make do with the even better contents!!!

There is a gardening theme, which connects with summer in the name of the swap, and even the yarns have floral connections - the Kid Merino is called Nasturtium, and the Artisan Merino Lace is called Hyacinth.

There are also gardening gloves, midge repellent, a scented candle, gorgeous stitch markers, a notebook, a pattern for scarves and some deeee-lish chocolate (Almost gone)

The inside of the lid of the box is also beautifully decorated with flowers and insects - there are even antennae on the insects.

It's a beautiful gift, so loads of thanks to Lisa (Bikegirl)

I have finished purchasing my gifts, the final items need to be wrapped, then it's off in the post very soon. I hope my recipient is as pleased as I am!! She was so difficult to buy for, - and matching that to a theme was even harder!!

I have added a ticker to my blog - another technology mastered!!

I have pledged not to buy any more yarn until Christmas!!!

I am not allowing myself days off, that could be far too expensive - I will only be able to buy yarn if it enables me to complete a project, or if it is for a bay item I don't have the yarn for. There is far too much yarn in my house - it HAS to be used!!

Note to self - must make some smaller items, the big ones are taking too long!!

1 comment:

Modelwidow said...

What a lucky girl you are - pal obviously put a lot of thought into that. Be interesting to see what Nasturtium becomes, it looks lovely.