Sunday 4 February 2007

Well, I knew when I started this that I wouldn't update on a regular basis - usually too much going on in one way or another.

I have been neglecting my "standard" knitting, and am concentrating on baby items for the 2 charities. The hats, bootees and blankets are coming along just fine, but I have lost a ball of yarn, and can't finish the bands of a preemie cardigan until I find it.
As you can imagine, the house has been turned upside down searching for it, I can only think that I have put it away somewhere safe - and as always, forgotten where that "safe place" is.
And all that searching has had to be tidied up as well.

The 2 pairs of socks are well hidden at the bottom of a bag - one sock is ready for the toe to be grafted, the other almost finished, while the second pair are only just started - almost at the heel of the first one. I think when these are finished (if they are ever finished) I will try a plainer yarn with a pattern to keep my interest. I'm finding them a bit boring, and not much of a challenge, except the toe-grafting!!

I am also taking part in a secret gift swap, so have to decide what to buy. After much stalking of forum posts and internet browsing - I think I have decided, and now just have to see if it is in stock. I also have to think of a clue to send with my gift(s) so the recipient can try to work out who sent it.
It's a lot of fun, and the buying of the gift, plus seeing what other people have received is just as exciting as receiving my own parcel.

I have a bootee OTN at the moment, so will try to get the pair finished - almost a shoebox full, then I can post the first one off.

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