Wednesday 3 October 2007

Drat and blast those camera batteries!!

I have received a beautiful gift from the Angel Yarns Winter Warmer swap, but could only take a very poor photo on my mobile. Digital camera batteries just will not take a charge!!

The lovely Shoe-Shopper (Claire) has chosen really well, and sent yarns I haven't used before, but was dying to try. (And I can't justify buying when I already have so much!!)

Tess Dawson's Superkid Mohair Lace is screaming at me to be cast on, I think this will be my first project from VLT but not until I have finished the Xmas knits.

They're going really well - have finished one today, and a third of the way through the next. OK, they're not huge ones, but I can tick them off when they're done and smile to myself.

DH doesn't read my blog, so I can say that I'm going to make him his first pair of socks - I can even measure them against his feet and tell him they're for someone else - he'll believe me!!

I may also try to do the jumper he has been asking for - very boring stocking stitch, in quite a dark colour, - I don't think he'd notice if I change from red laceweight to black DK!! He just sees that I'm knitting!!

Baby No 1 has arrived - bawling and healthy - he's called Tom, so has received the shawl, but obviously not the matinee jacket, bonnet and bootees. I did lots of other bootees and hats too, so he should be nice and snug. Maybe the next one will be a girl!!

Baby No 2 is due 19th October - possibly sooner - just waiting to hear - I know there have been twinges today, but it may be a week or 2 yet.

I've got a really sore back - I have jerked it, and I think the muscles are going into spasm - anti-inflamatories aren't doing much, but I am trying to rest (and knit of course)

That's enough rabbiting for now!!

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