Wednesday 25 July 2007

Yet another big pause between posts, but hey, life and work just get in the way, and I can't knit if I'm blogging all day!!!

I have spent this evening tidying my WIPs and yarn, I'm still shell-shocked when I see loads of it bundled together, and realise that yes, that is quite a lot of yarn. (And then try to kid myself that it's not a lot of money)

I have put lots of yarn into big holdalls from the pound shop, and tied labels on to say (roughly) what is in them

I have put loads of "odds and sods" into storage crates, mostly DK that will be made into baby blankets, and some part cones that haven't found their projects yet!

I have put loads of cones of various yarn into a laundry hamper thingy, it looks a bit odd, bit is keeping it all together! Most of it is unidentifiable laceweight, in some scrummy colours!!

And finally, I have taken over the top of the wardrobes with WIPs and yarn I am planning to use next. More yumminess.

There's also a huge plastic box full of laceweight, but I'll save that for another day, as hubby is aware that it's expensive, but hasn't seen it spread out in all it's glory to be photographed.

I must also sort out and pack some charity items to get them posted away, and make up and sew in ends on 3 other recently finished projects.

I have to get my "house in order", as my daughter and grandson are coming to visit in less than 3 weeks. I also need to finish a baby shawl in the next 3 weeks as my friend is leaving work to go on maternity leave.

So I guess I had better get on with it eh?

1 comment:

Nevisknitter said...

What an organised stash, bet you'll still find that you need to buy yarn for a certain project though