Sunday 24 June 2007

A big THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored me in the Race for Life.

I have raised over £100, just waiting for a few cash stragglers to cough up, then I can pay it in.

An exhausting but most enjoyable experience, and I will definitely do it again next year.

I have finished my slipover, and started a baby shawl, but this will probably go into the corner (with my shoalwater) while I start to knit my "Mystery Stole". Almost 3000 knitters have registered to make this stole, and no-one except the designer knows what it will look like until the end. The pattern is coming in weekly instalments, so it's quite nerve-wracking, waiting for it to start on Friday, and hoping I can download the pattern ok.

Sunday 3 June 2007

I am very happy today.
I have finished my cat's paw scarf, it just needs to be blocked. Sorry, no pics till that's done - it looks like a scribble at the moment!!

My new WIP is a sleeveless "tank-top" from February's Knitting magazine. The pattern uses Freedom Spirit, but the tension is the same for the yarn in my stash.

It's Louisa Harding Kimono Angora, and I am totally in love with it. It's so soft and easy to knit (especially after lace) It was a bargain half price when I bought it too, so even better. I have almost finished the first ball, so am pretty confident I have enough, and any leftovers will become a deliciously soft scarf in plenty of time for Christmas.

I am planning a very restful week, as the Race for Life is next Sunday - I'll go for a couple of strolls in the evenings, but not too far.
I'm still not sure what the weather is going to do - today it has been VERY wet, but warm and stuffy too. I think I'll be either too hot or too wet and heavy in my fancy dress costume, but that's what I have picked, so no backing out now.

Well, blogging is keeping me away from that delectable yarn, so off for a few more rows before getting everything sorted for work tomorrow. Don't you just hate Sunday evenings?